
The Animation workshop.
Professional traning course, Autum 2009:
3D artist for animated feature, tv-series and games.

The Animation workshop.
Graduated with a Bachelor degree in Character animation in January 2009.

Recomendation By Mike krummehoefener from Pixar.

Work exspirience - all of it.

The national Danish filmshcool - Current position
Art Director on Troels Cederholms Graduation movie

Nørlum a/s 2011
Coloring artist on there first movie; Hund i himlen.

Cappelan Damm 2011
Illustrations for a school book about Joanne D'arc

Cappelan Damm 2011
Illustrations for a school book about Olav den hellige

Alinea/Egmont april/may 2010
illustrations for a story by H.C. Branner

Rosinante&co april 2010
Cover Illustrations for a triolegi by Mary Mackey

Gl Estrup Museum 2010
Historical illustrations for there webpage

Copenhagen Bombay 01.02.2010-05.04.2010:
Concept artist and illustrator..

Damm/Egmont Norway 16/12/09-20/01/10:
Illustrations for two school books.

Copenhagen Bombay 05/08-15/09 2009:
Concept artist and illustrator.

Copenhagen Bombay 01/03-30/06 2009:
Concept artist and illustrator.

Gyldendal 2008/2009:
Illustrations for childrens book "fuglen fra helvede 1&2"

Copenhagen Bombay fall 2008:
Intern/concept artist/illustrator.

Egmont Norway, spring 2008:
Illustrations for schoolbook; "en ekte viking 1&2".

Sesam/Aschehough, summer 2007:
Illustrations for a book by Bent Haller.

Egmont Norway, summer 2006:
Boardgame cover and card illlustrations.

Cosmo film A/S summer 2005:
Illustrations for a TV-show showen on national tv.

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